Thursday, May 31, 2012


After completing the bicycle journey from greenville, nc  to key west, fl. I think back........
1200 plus.....number of miles biked in 9 days (the plus figures in 3-4 wrong turns, thanks Cody)
7.....................number of flat tires,  ( 6 on bikes, 1 on Tahoe)
3.....................number of large chocolate Frosties we had at EVERY  Wendys (2 dennis, 1 Cody)
2000.............toothbrushes given away at 9 Boys and Girls Clubs
467...............dead snakes
9...................miles away from key west when i got the last flat tire ( and didnt have my phone)
2...................number of dogs that chased me in 9 days
4....................number of dogs that chased me on my last bike ride to Robersonville
42................bridges between miami and key west
1.................number of ladies ( i use the term loosely) that fussed out Cody for photographing her house
5..................gallons of liquid Dennis drank every day to stay hydrated
85,000.......dollars raised so far to distribute to The Boys and Girls Clubs ( thanks again if you donated)
1200...........number of miles from greenville to LUBEC, MAINE  ( next trip???? to get to $100,000 for the clubs)

Playing with the numbers is fun, the ride was rewarding, but the people i ran into was the best part of the trip. It was the club directors,  the people in the small general stores ( both the employees and patrons),  those questioning my sanity in the restaurants, hotels etc., but by far the kids were the best part. Because they were the reason for the ride (get it???), Cody and I had nothing else planned each day before or after each club. Therefore we were not in a rush to get somewhere after talking to the kids about 1. academic success, 2. healthy lifestyles, 3. and character development. We stayed around afterwards to play, shoot baskets, and just hang out and talk to the kids about the fact that we had ONLY come there to see them, we had NOTHING else planned but to see them. The kids were our focus. These kids at the clubs are some of the most "at risk kids" in our country. They are at an inflection point in their life to where they end up in life is  dictated by whether they are MOST influenced by role models at the Boys and Girls Clubs or by the negative influences in their neighborhoods and peer pressure. Most of these kids do not have a male role model in the home, thus the Clubs are IT for positive male influence and thus character development. Many of these  kids parents do not have even a high school education , so the Clubs are IT for making sure that the kids are getting the academic support they need. Etc...Etc...Etc....   Were it not for the Boys and Girls Clubs these kids have NO CHANCE to succeed in this world. They will grow up to be uneducated and unemployed at best, and at worst jail, OR DEAD from violence and gang related activity.
I believe that we will have succeeded in our mission ( and this was as much a mission as my trips to Kenya or Nicaragua) if just one child is influenced to become a teacher, dentist, astronaut or decides to pursue a dream they may have in the back of their mind but previously had been told that their dreams arent possible because no one in their family had EVER DONE THAT.  The Boys and Girls Club is a noble BLESSING to thousands of children who otherwise would be on the streets after school with no chance to be successful. I have been blessed by the people i met along the way and by YOU that are reading this crazy blog and supported the ride both prayerfully and financially.  I assure you that your moneys have been put to good use.........Help me get to $100,000 for this ride to distribute to the various clubs, tell your friends..... I WILL RIDE AGAIN IF NECESSARY.................MAINE????????

God Speed.........Dennis

PS   Thanks Cody

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